Get More Traffic to Your Blog

How I got 100,000 blog readers in 18 months

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My site was inactive for about last 2 years, now started working on it, but traffic is not gaining as expecting, very low traffic, around 30 per day. Any suggestion will be highly appreciating.
Thanks in advance

There are a hell of a lot of things listed here to drive traffic and followers to your blog, which we are all very capable of doing. However the hardest part is actually in the doing. Which is what i love because it sets all the hard working bloggers apart from the ones that try and eventually quit, Cheers for the 23 tips

The blog traffic jam. That sudden halt of visitors to your site that has you wondering, “What did I do wrong?” It may happen at the beginning, middle, or end of a blog, but it’s inevitable. At some point, we all go through this.
If you’re just getting started or have been blogging for a while, you’ve faced this nemesis. And you’ve asked yourself,

If the latter, quit blogging now. If you’re blogging for self-serving reasons, then that may be the real inhibitor to your blog’s growth. Because here’s the truth:
People want you to talk about them, not you.
It’s okay to write about personal experiences and share what you’ve learned from a first-hand perspective, but be careful of making yourself into some kind of blog rock star. Instead, aim to be a resource and help to others.
The irony is that if you do that, you’ll end up becoming a star.


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